Wednesday, January 26, 2011

-PeNcaRiaN eRTi-

Lama Sudah Kau mencari, satu erti dalam hidup yang sejati, sejambak kasih yang hakiki... Agar hidup ini dapat berikan kau erti, dimana kau sendiri kan fahami... Sudahkan kau temui..??

Sehingga ke saat kau menulis ini, kau masih lagi tercari-cari, pahit dan maung kau tetap tabah hadapi.. Hidup mu tidak pernah mengenal sepi, badai hidupmu melanda malam dan pagi...

Namun kau sebenarnya kuat..!! Pantang sekali kau mengalah, biarpun berkali-kali kau rebah, cepat kau bangkit dan terus meredah, semoga kau peroleh tabah...

Hidup kau masih panjang, teruskanlah berjuang..!! Hidup kau masih jauh, jangan kau biarkan ia runtuh...!!

Atur langkah kau cermat..
Hidup kau biar berentak..
Yang sudah usah kau ratap..
Kuatkan semangat..!!

Usah kau toleh ke belakang, Seandainya hidupmu yang dulu suram...
usah lagi kau terus mengenang, Seandainya tersilap langkah di masa silam...

Selagi nyawa masih dikandung badan, Hidupmu harus diteruskan..
Walau apa jua rintangan, Jangan kau mudah tumbang....

Jika kau dibasahi hujan..
Jika kau hilang arah tujuan..
Jika kau kusut dengan persoalan..
Jika kau tersasar dari landasan..
Segeralah mencari pangkal jalan..
carilah keampunan..
Pohonlah keredhaan..

Andai kau di jalan ilahi,
Pastinya kau temui erti,
bahawa tiada hidup seindah mimpi...!!

Thursday, January 13, 2011


I am a usual boy with a usual life. I laugh when it was a joke, smile when i feel happy and used to cry whenever I felt despair and lonely. So, this is would be my life, Now or never, like it or not, I have to live this life. Becuz I always know that I am not gonna live 4eva, Juz want to live when I'm alive..
About me..? Who I am..? It would not be such a big deal.
The truth is I really don't know about it and what I must learn from it. Everything seems so fast and confusing. If you asked me now, I would not know the answer either.
Perhaps life is just like this, it is up to me to find the meaning in our life. Till today, I still look for meaning in my life and the things that beyond the shadow of doubt that I really believed. Something that I can build my life on.
Maybe I am the colourfull on the outside, but on the inside I am nothing but fluff. A am just like walking, talking marshmallow peep. There is nothing about me that is not skin deep. i feel like I am bragging my latest conquest and all of the rest of my stupid shallow little life.. Yes I mean life is void of meaning..
If it is true that we have a soul, do we have a choice where we want to born in..? Do we have a choice to be a man, a woman, a gay man or a lesbian..? What if I was born in America..? Or in Afghanistan..? Would I be happier than now..?